The first step is for you to submit your manuscript or your book project to The Team – see Submission Guidelines. Be aware: if your book does not relate to transpersonal approaches to counselling, psychotherapy, coaching or psychology, then do not submit to us as it will not fall within our area of interest.
If the team thinks your submission fits with our programme, the Publisher will send you a Stylesheet detailing recommendations to shape your manuscript for publication – it is important that you apply those in order to facilitate and expedite the whole process. In some cases we will recommend you hire a developmental editor that will help you shape the book. We can also recommend a graphic designer should you need one for illustrations (black & white only).
After your book is accepted for publication, the Publisher will send you a contract to publish your work as a print book as well as an e-book, and the publishing process will start. The Publisher will liaise with you on cover design (you can provide us with a professional illustration if you have one in mind) and a copy editor to clean up your text (at your expense). Then the book will be typeset and the full cover finalised. If you require an index for your book, we can recommend an editor who can build this (again, at your expense).
Once final proofs have been checked by you, the book will be published as a ‘print-on-demand’ (POD) title and distributed worldwide through our partner Ingram Spark, both as a print book and an e-book; this means it will be available on all major platforms including of course amazon, Barnes & Noble (nook), Waterstones, Kobo, Apple Books, etc., throughout the world.
We will send review copies of the book to the relevant media editors you recommend.
The Publisher will also contact relevant publishing houses worldwide and attempt to convince them to translate and publish your book in their home language.
Every six months, you will receive a royalty statement and once a certain sales threshold (defined by your contract) has been reached, you will receive royalty payments.
You will be able to order print copies of your book at a generous discount specified in your contract and sell them direct to your clients and ‘at the back of the room’ when giving workshops or participating in conferences.